Informative Messages
Young people are leaving the church and their faith in staggering numbers. Studies have found many church-going youth begin to question their faith as early as middle school and many totally abandon their faith before they leave high school or college.
A big reason for youth leaving their faith is that the no one is equipping youth and their parents to defend their faith in the face of them being bombarded by evolutionary doctrine in their schools on a regular basis. We have two messages we would love to share with your congregation and youth.
Science and the Bible
This message explains how the secular, scientific worldview has become the most dangerous threat to people’s soul and even the future of the Church. Young people are leaving the Church, and many times even their faith, at a staggering rate. Add to that the alarming increase in suicide among those 12 and over, and we have a crisis in the younger generation that the Church and Christians must address before it is too late for our children and young adults.
The teaching of the age of the earth, origins of life, and evolution in our schools and universities can result in serious dangers to people’s faith and overall mental health, especially young people. This message will reveal that the scientific evidence science uses to defend the age of the earth, origins of life, and evolution, actually supports a biblical worldview much better than the scientific, secular worldview. This practical, common-sense message will allow everyone to see how the observable evidence all around us allows us to make more valid conclusions than those that science actually makes to explain the beautiful world around us.
This message will engage everyone in the congregation and help equip adults and youth to have meaningful conversations around these scientific topics that many of our young people encounter everyday. By seeing and understanding that the scientific evidence can actually support the Bible, everyone can strengthen their own faith and be able to live the life God as called them to live.
keeping your faith strong in science class